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MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) 2mg


Mechano-Growth Factor (MGF) is a peptide hormone that may help with muscle growth, wound healing, and cartilage repair. It's a variant of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).

MGF is produced in muscles in response to training.

MGF activates satellite cells to repair and renovate damaged muscle.

MGF mobilizes amino acids to help build muscle.

MGF may help protect tissues from mechanical stress during physical activity.

MGF research:

Animal studies have shown that MGF may positively affect muscle growth, wound healing, cartilage repair, and brain development.

MGF-24aa-E peptide may help with muscle repair and maintenance.

MGF-E peptide may promote bone damage repair.

MGF variants:

PEG-MGF is a long-acting variant of MGF.

MGF-E domain may inhibit terminal differentiation while increasing myoblast proliferation.

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